23 January 2008

Hit me on my iPhone

Have I mentioned here that I won an iPhone from Jack? How rockin' is THAT.

17 January 2008

According to USA Today: "The FBI is retooling its Top 10 Most Wanted list into an increasingly multimedia, international appeal for help as it tries to keep its signature program relevant in a crowded media landscape....In the billboard deal with Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings Inc., which is donating the space, the FBI will get access to about 150 electronic billboards."

I am becoming more and more interested in digital signage...have you seen WGBH's integration of signage and its building?

Fantastic, engaging, unobtrusive....

09 January 2008

The latest viral messaging - wildmessages.com - not nearly as good as Snakes on a Plane or the Dexter promotion...still I was compelled to send messages to Abby and Ben.

04 January 2008

I love YouTube. This is Evanlina - and she is wonderful.