21 May 2007
Jealous Animals
Found this on adverbox - a series of adds for the Toronto Zoo are hilarious, and the tied-in site demonstrates some nice illustration. Disappointing is that the voiceovers aren't all right on. See the cat.
Best line - in the pigeon exchange on peacocks: "Well, you know who has some crazy hot plummage?"
For some reason this convo reminds me of Mas.
Quick high-five and cartwheel for Master of the System - we had some rocking copy and paste action for my new iPod section. Thank you!
16 May 2007

Sometimes I come across words that contain such truths I am humbled by reading them. I am reminded that I am not crazy, am not alone and holy crap, other people notice what I notice.
Tug McTighe's blog posting "Improving your creative life for tomorrow starts today" is a blessed offering of a sanity pill. Having just gone through the poster experience he discusses it is particularly refreshing.
Particularly fantastic is his words are genuinely on target - they aren't filled with a whole lot of marketing-ego-speak. This should be required reading for all involved in a creative-account manager relationship.
15 May 2007
Geek Chic
A quick share: I just read Master of the System's blog. In it he discusses his personal connection to Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces - which studies the hero and myth (eBook version here). My lord, could I be on a hero's journey on a daily basis??
It made me realize I am a total geek at heart.
Also on my mind. When one expresses to another that their lack of communication is bothersome and that person apologizes yet their next email is a simple "hi" - again, NOT replying to the myriad emails sent previously...does one just let it go?
eh, maybe one just blogs about it. bugger.
A quick share: I just read Master of the System's blog. In it he discusses his personal connection to Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces - which studies the hero and myth (eBook version here). My lord, could I be on a hero's journey on a daily basis??
It made me realize I am a total geek at heart.
Also on my mind. When one expresses to another that their lack of communication is bothersome and that person apologizes yet their next email is a simple "hi" - again, NOT replying to the myriad emails sent previously...does one just let it go?
eh, maybe one just blogs about it. bugger.
07 May 2007

I hate them. Nearly as much as Jayner's hates SWDECers. But maybe more.
04 May 2007

So I'm emailing with Chray via Gmail today. In the midst of our conversation, he veers off to begin his one-man show - as he often does. This one involved a rather Shoebox-esque message about dust mites, a sleeping bag and the wilderness (this was his pep talk to me as I get ready to go home and deal with a difficult situation). Anyway, as I'm writing back and forth with him I suddenly realize that down the righthand side of my email window are links for Dust Mite Removal and Allergy-Free Sheets.
Because I'm me, my first reaction is - OMG what a funny coincidence! (My blondeness is truly stunning at times). Then I realize - Google is reading my email!! Google is scanning my email to populate sponsored links!
I am very bothered. This is not a good feeling. It is a disconcerting get the heck out of my inbox!
02 May 2007

I don't know how to start this one...Soft Paris has created a vibrator that plugs into your iPod - the OhMiBod. The vibrator is controlled by the pulsating beats off your play lists (no pun intended).
You can now get off on Mick Jagger or PJ Harvey - literally.
I admit it...I'm very curious. Check out their "You should plug it, let's all plug it" commercial.
Carina, I said Technology was sexy...
01 May 2007
93.7 put out this commercial recently - it's odd for sure - but offensive? Well, the pregnant woman is just weird - but offensive? Enough to have people calling the stations to have it removed? Really? I just can't understand the time people have in their lives.
DMHj and I were just talking about this. Brilliance in comedy used to mean being edgy and honest...think All in the Family. Now shows that even come close to that are all on cable - South Park, etc. One could make the argument that The Simpsons comes close...hmm, both cartoons - is that why they are tolerated?
Every now and then you need to see, do or say something "wrong" in order to find the right.
Also, if one more marketing/ad group comes up with another contest revolving around "YOU make it!" They should be shot.
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