05 December 2007

Saying more by saying less

I love this post by Slant Six Creative - it addresses the challenges digital media has brought forth to conversation:

"Modern communication has meant a breakdown in authority. Online comment systems and, more broadly, “social media” have given every individual an opportunity to not only have his or her voice heard instantly, but to have it given near-equal weight to that of the original author."

Their recommendation - let the fool have the last word.

04 December 2007

Two Girls One Cup...

More phenomena of viral media - the latest buzz is not a video - but a video about the reaction of watching a video. So disturbing is the movie, that people's reactions are inevitably overblown, dramatic - and well, hilarious. There's a ton on YouTube - Eddy showed me this one which is a great example.

I'm starting to think that the people who made the initial video, made a reaction video just to get people to go see the other video. Eddy and Brad explained to me the content-- seems like it's The Ring for believing we live in a civilized society. Think George Carlin's version of The Aristocrats.

25 October 2007

SciFi's promotional coolness for its mini series: Infinite Oz. A collaboration from nine international artists that not only brings to life the series but creates a unique experience of moving through OZ. Above is by Greg Petchkovsky.

23 October 2007

The Internet Stars are Viral....indeed. Long, but definitely worth the trip down memory lane.

01 October 2007

Dove Onslaught

Just brilliant advertising.

27 September 2007

MIT hackers slipped into Harvard Yard and transformed the statue of John Harvard into Halo 3's Master Chief. Having received calls Monday eve from DMH waiting in line for the game, I post this in his geekiness honor.

13 September 2007

Tina just made my day with this little ditty: http://www.endofworld.net/.

I love the web just for this kinda stuff. Sometimes we do not appreciate enough the amount of inspirational messaging for procrastination.

06 September 2007

And so, with a visit to Leno and the now ordinary YouTube video - Fred Thompson enters the 2008 election race. The site, Fred08.com, is actually video heavy, employing the newer streaming technology often, and well. Kinda makes sense given his acting jobs doesn't it? Lead with the medium you know, and others know you from. Hands down it's a better site then Guiliani.

31 August 2007

Are you kidding?

Third-party partner: "We'll just send out an electronic email."

30 August 2007

Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question

The Miss Teen video has been circulating for a bit now - so you've probably seen it. The site built in response however is worth a peak: http://mapsforus.org

Hilarious. (Who has time to build these things?!).

06 August 2007

Another - really? I mean really??

Third-party vendor on determining RGB colors: "We're just not sure. We're holding swatches up to the monitor."

03 August 2007

Green Tea Partay

The sequel to the hilarious Tea Partay video from Smirnoff. Not as good maybe, but it continues a brilliant viral campaign.

27 July 2007


This made my day...but it's even better watching Mas and Matty do it.

25 July 2007

Another, are you kidding?

Agency creative director to our digital team: Have you heard of flickrvision? It's this really cool site.

18 July 2007

I'm fairly impressed at the new Wendy's site - chock full of interactive goodies - some of which beg the question, who has the time for this? (Creating a song based on sounds from the Grill - "The Baconator"). Still, clever stuff - and a definite we are hip and cool brand extension.

16 July 2007

The interactive wall was unveiled in NYC last Friday. The mural, which utilizes a horde of Adobe tools including Illustrator, Flash, Photoshop and After Effects, is a 25'x10' projection which spouts layers of animation based on a bystander's movements. When a person walks from left to right, the wall triggers more animations and the density of the imagery increases. It's a beautiful thing to behold.

Another will launch in London's Piccadilly Circus next month.

06 July 2007

Ikea's new push to take over dorm living...but honestly, whose dorm every looked like this!? Cool interactivity naturally -- check it out here.

Also, let it be known that I got a zero in Blokus today. Last piece - the one. That's right...smack daddy.

29 June 2007

Xmas in June
In honor of eddy...today the iPhone is released to the masses. If you are one of those people who has been waiting in line since Wednesday, or lost sleep in anticipation of what is being treated like Santa coming down the pipeline - you are stupid.

OK, well not stupid. But you are going to pay $500-600 for the honor of being an Apple beta-tester.

It's not that the iPhone is not seriously cool...but I'm starting to take exception to Apple's overt marketing tactics: you are not cool unless you have expensive things. What was once a cool, artistic culture is becoming something less creative, and more....well, microsoft. Only prettier.

Actually just saw this at gapingvoid (sums up the hysteria):

21 June 2007

Today's Are you kidding?

During a run through of a client presentation:

"...And we're going to create a digital website"

You know, instead of a print one.

14 June 2007

Here's to Beer

A promotion for Anheuser-Busch, the online newsletter of sorts is a clever way of offering interesting, funny content - while also pushing product. In one area users can choose who they'd like to have a beer with - including Johnny Appleseed, Nostradamus and Ben Franklin. If you are looking to fill some procrastination time...I recommend.

13 June 2007


Simply some brilliant creative.

12 June 2007

In honour of my very first Starbucks Frappuccino* check out this fantastic high-speed photography.

* I know...weird. It's like unAmerican. Today I didn't seem to care about the 400 zillion calories. I went with Vanilla Bean. Pretty much it's yummy10.

07 June 2007

Coke and Faithless
Coke teamed up with some artists and the band Faithless to essentially create a coke bottle - the design is only available in Europe (bah!).

If the site is any indication, it's one awesome bottle. This is one of the coolest sites I've come across in a while. Serious interactivity - engaging graphics -video - music...takes some time to load, but it's worth it.

04 June 2007

As many of you know, I've been going through a life-changing event over the last week. Thus no blogging.

This YouTube video seemed appropriate. Enjoy.

21 May 2007

Jealous Animals

Found this on adverbox - a series of adds for the Toronto Zoo are hilarious, and the tied-in site demonstrates some nice illustration. Disappointing is that the voiceovers aren't all right on. See the cat.

Best line - in the pigeon exchange on peacocks: "Well, you know who has some crazy hot plummage?"

For some reason this convo reminds me of Mas.

Quick high-five and cartwheel for Master of the System - we had some rocking copy and paste action for my new iPod section. Thank you!

16 May 2007

The "Truth" in Advertising

Sometimes I come across words that contain such truths I am humbled by reading them. I am reminded that I am not crazy, am not alone and holy crap, other people notice what I notice.

Tug McTighe's blog posting "Improving your creative life for tomorrow starts today" is a blessed offering of a sanity pill. Having just gone through the poster experience he discusses it is particularly refreshing.

Particularly fantastic is his words are genuinely on target - they aren't filled with a whole lot of marketing-ego-speak. This should be required reading for all involved in a creative-account manager relationship.

15 May 2007

Geek Chic

A quick share: I just read Master of the System's blog. In it he discusses his personal connection to Joseph Campbell's The Hero with a Thousand Faces - which studies the hero and myth (eBook version here). My lord, could I be on a hero's journey on a daily basis??

It made me realize I am a total geek at heart.

Also on my mind. When one expresses to another that their lack of communication is bothersome and that person apologizes yet their next email is a simple "hi" - again, NOT replying to the myriad emails sent previously...does one just let it go?

eh, maybe one just blogs about it. bugger.

07 May 2007

MTV has launched a consumer-generated movie spoof category to coincide with its upcoming Movie Awards.

I hate them. Nearly as much as Jayner's hates SWDECers. But maybe more.

04 May 2007

Out of my Inbox

So I'm emailing with Chray via Gmail today. In the midst of our conversation, he veers off to begin his one-man show - as he often does. This one involved a rather Shoebox-esque message about dust mites, a sleeping bag and the wilderness (this was his pep talk to me as I get ready to go home and deal with a difficult situation). Anyway, as I'm writing back and forth with him I suddenly realize that down the righthand side of my email window are links for Dust Mite Removal and Allergy-Free Sheets.

Because I'm me, my first reaction is - OMG what a funny coincidence! (My blondeness is truly stunning at times). Then I realize - Google is reading my email!! Google is scanning my email to populate sponsored links!

I am very bothered. This is not a good feeling. It is a disconcerting get the heck out of my inbox!

02 May 2007


I don't know how to start this one...Soft Paris has created a vibrator that plugs into your iPod - the OhMiBod. The vibrator is controlled by the pulsating beats off your play lists (no pun intended).

You can now get off on Mick Jagger or PJ Harvey - literally.
I admit it...I'm very curious. Check out their "You should plug it, let's all plug it" commercial.

Carina, I said Technology was sexy...

01 May 2007

93.7 put out this commercial recently - it's odd for sure - but offensive? Well, the pregnant woman is just weird - but offensive? Enough to have people calling the stations to have it removed? Really? I just can't understand the time people have in their lives.

DMHj and I were just talking about this. Brilliance in comedy used to mean being edgy and honest...think All in the Family. Now shows that even come close to that are all on cable - South Park, etc. One could make the argument that The Simpsons comes close...hmm, both cartoons - is that why they are tolerated?

Every now and then you need to see, do or say something "wrong" in order to find the right.

Also, if one more marketing/ad group comes up with another contest revolving around "YOU make it!" They should be shot.

27 April 2007

Welcome Wiffiti

I love my new Wiffiti screen....LOVE. Being friends with Jayners has its rewards. Wiffiti is like a giant text messager screen. I wish I could download it to my phone (Jayners, can I download it to my phone? Can I make it my screen saver?) To make me happy text me starting with @pixeldfly then your message to 25622.

Example: If I wanted to say hi to all you all - I'd write @pixeldfly Hi all you all and then send it to 25622.

DMHj says he reads my blog. Actually he did reference it as if he had read it...yet, I am suspect.

Quick shout out to JohnnyG...just cause. We've been in the trenches this past week - and we're winning the war. Mostly because we realize where the real battles need to occur. I appreciate having someone else take a look around the "process" and say WTF?

24 April 2007


MySpace was already entering into the political arena - or at least politicians were...so naturally Microsoft has now corralled them into their own barn...MySpace Impact. The more this content becomes organized, the more suspect I become. I hate that I'm becoming that cynical...but as I'm in the middle of a pitch that is becoming more and more about nothing sub stantial...the more disillusioned my mindset tends to get.

23 April 2007

What fuels me...
The SW team has been struggling with creating a navigation system for a whole bunch of ideas around a singular concept. Mostly the struggle has been an environmental one - meaning, is the site an environment (literally). I stumbled across "dubois meets fugger" and was immediately engaged...discovering new navigation systems and ways of creating a feeling of flight between content offerings is what fuels me lately (pun intended, SWs).

17 April 2007

Empress of Style

I keep coming across some excellent sites...this one happens to be HP's latest The Computer is Personal Again - with Vera Wang (their first featured woman, btw).

It's a fantastic use of interactivity and illustration. As I'm currently working on a pitch that is trying to be a bit second life - a bit MTV - it's inspiring to see such a clean treatment - one that truly tells a story and isn't cool for the sake of coolness...which, I have to tell you lately seems to be the snack of the day.

Screaming man
I am in love with this site. I don't know what it is about really - but I very much like making the head scream out butterflies.


11 April 2007

User-generated content - v. 3.0

All the hoopla surrounding keeping Sanjaya on American Idol would normally not register with me (not a fan of the show) - until I began to see the parallel between lonelygirl15 and marketing companies infiltration of user-generated content for their own means.

For those not aware - Vote for the Worst and Howard Stern are asking listeners/watchers, etc. to vote for American Idol contestant Sanjaya - because as VftW puts it:

"American Idol is not about singing at all, it's about making good reality TV and enjoying the cheesy, guilty pleasure of watching bad singing. We agree that a fish out of water is entertaining, and we want to acknowledge this fact by encouraging people help the amusing antagonists stick around. VFTW sees keeping these contestants around as a golden opportunity to make a more entertaining show."

Apparently Sanjaya fits the bill this time around...for Howard I'd say it's more about F-ing with the producers.

What does this mean for user-generated content?

More later....

01 April 2007

Almost opening day...

Shilo sent this out the other day....the world just gets a little bigger...the idea of riding the T while watching Sox highlights is pretty sweet.

"Apple today announced it will be offering Major League Baseball video highlights for the 2007 season on the iTunes store. MLB video on iTunes will include a daily 25 minute "MLB.com Daily Rewind" highlight show and two weekly "Games of the Week," featuring full versions of the best games from the National and American Leagues. Customers will be able to download individual episodes of "MLB.com Daily Rewind" and each "Game of the Week" for $1.99, or purchase a Multi-Pass for a month of Daily Rewind shows for $7.99 or a Season Pass for every "Game of the Week" for $19.99."

27 March 2007


The Onion has finally gone video - offering their unique take on daily news. The daily briefs will be available on iTunes and YouTube...The Onion is already in negotiations with the Networks for copyrighted material. Let's hope they're good sportst.

Is the Daily Show far behind?

13 March 2007


Thanks to Mas, and some prodding on my part, we have a JMW-Dig March Madness bracket. This took at least two steps as Mas was under the impression only boys, and me, would play (no really, when I asked who he sent the invite to he replied, "All the boys, and you.")

Mas says he doesn't know anything about Basketball, although he is a statistical whiz at Blockus (go figure). So imagine my 'Yeah!' when I came across the brack-o-matic. How cool is this!?

I think Mas will think it is cool too. As will the rest of the boys....and no, Mas, I do not think that the ladies will automatically pick Cinderella.

06 March 2007

Starbucks: Watering down the brand
Last week an internal memo from Howard Shultz, Chairman of Starbucks, came to light – and now every brand, dick and harry is commenting on the state of Starbucks dilution. And indeed hasn’t it – did it take a memo for us to realize this? Shultz says one of the ways to restore its brand experience is to make sure that each store smells of roasting coffee….but really, is that it?

Truth be told, there is a Starbucks on every other corner nowadays, doesn’t that sort of take away from the “unique” experience? When a brand reaches mass consumption, it tends to take on a life of its own. Starbucks is close to the WalMart of coffee. Perhaps that’s a bit much—but in my mind, Starbucks was once a left of center urban trendsetter...how can a brand retain that if it is mass marketed?

26 February 2007


Apple's latest little piece of genuius...the iPod hello commerical. I admit, I'm a sucker for nolstagia montages - especially when they're put to unexpected music, in this case, Inside Your Head by Eberg.

I only wish they had added a telephone that was more "futuristic" - think Minority Report - or even something out of Woody Allen's Sleeper.

iPhone could have made a stronger case for itself if it showed such cinematic imaginations - translation - in reality, the Future of The Telephone is Here.

15 February 2007


As part of its swimsuit issue, Sports Illustrated included the iPod as a bikini. At first this bothered me...but then I started thinking about the sexiness of technology - and how that sexiness is often lost among its nerdy reputation and product coldness.

Indeed, leave it to Apple to create white computers, and MP3 players in wild colors. Is technology becoming sexy? Will it finally lose its masculinity and shed its image of dark, cold and inaccesssible. And what will this mean for women?

Naturally, the irony that it takes a naked woman to make me wonder if technology is finally becoming sexy which could benefit women as a group - is not lost on me.

01 February 2007

Who are the terrorists?

For anyone living in Boston, yesterday was filled with bomb scare updates, bridge and T-station closings, major traffic jams and atypical police activity. At the end of the 8 hours of post-911 routine, we learned that the “bombs” applied to the bases of bridges and in major traffic areas were actually part of an outdoor marketing campaign for a show on Comedy Central.

In a statement from Turner Broadcasting, the network said, “We regret that they were mistakenly thought to pose any danger.”

Are you kidding? I mean, really, are you kidding? You are placing packages with visible wires and lights to major city structures at a time of war but it doesn’t occur to you that this could pose a public safety hazard?

Have we completely lost it in the viral marketing arena? Do the people involved with this hoax think it a success since we now all know about the animated show on CC (I refuse to type it here)? At what point do we put the good of our people above the good of press?

The ethical lines that we as advertisers and marketers keep redrawing and crossing is reaching a point where it will be difficult to step back. It keeps occurring to me that we are our own terrorists.

24 January 2007

Message to the People

Deval Patrick has just announced he will publish a weekly podcast on his website. He cites that is important to continue talking with the people who elected him.

Hillary Clinton (actually Patrick as well) announced her candidacy in the 2008 election via her website.

What struck me about these acts is how they cut out the media from delivering messages. The media still reports on them, however political candidates are no longer beholden to them to communicate to the public.

On one level this is fantastic - people have a more direct connection to our elected officials. On another, I worry that it will continue to delude and passify the media's role in politics. Rather then true reporting - which requires research and follow up - they may be more apt to take from the print and audio given to them and simple cut and paste.

As the media's role changes (with increasing use of blogging and podcasting to get out messages), it will be interesting to note which road it follows - that of least resistance, or a return to the muckraking days on behalf of the public.

09 January 2007

Apple introduces the iPhone

Steve Jobs introduced the long anticipated iPhone at MacWorld today. The new 11.6 millimeter phone includes a new user interface on a 3.5-inch wide touchscreen display—with new software that lets you control everything with just your fingers—a two megapixel camera and eight gigs of storage space.

Jobs also announced the new company name, Apple Inc. – another indication of Apple’s commitment the consumer electronic’s space.

Be still my little techy heart.

04 January 2007

It's a girl

This is Little V. She is splendid. She is joy in the size of a postage stamp. She reminds me anything is possible in the digital world. 1GB of love for under $80.