Does anyone else find it ironic that McDonald's-Japan gaveaway MP3 players infected with a spyware virus? Come to think of it...does anyone else find it weird that an MP3 player can exist on a cup?
my meanderings through a digital world
Bloody hell they have cool gadgets. Where do they find the time?
Drama, Turtle, E: Last month I gave Abby Lou a Turtle – this month I give her a resounding E for taking her show on the road:
Drama—To Chray for at least thinking about his resume…and for always trying to solve our differences by showing up with sporting equipment.
Best iPod Morning Shuffle: This month it’s going to Wed 19 Sep when I had the privilege of iPod-ing for the dept. Yea, I rocked it.
Jayner’s LOL: Altruistic Deshelling Really anytime Jayner’s parents make it into the blog – you can be sure it will be mentioned as a best of:At this point, Mom jumps in: "Have dad tell you why we have 78 containers of unshelled peanuts in the cupboard."
[Camera pans back to me.]
"Uh, dad, why do we have 78 thingies of whatever on the shelf?"
Dad: "Oh. Mom and I have a one-armed squirrel that comes to the door."
Fran of the month: Fran’s been behaving herself lately…mostly, cause I’ve been busy. Never fear…she’s off to
(Although – and I pause here with an irony of tangentative thought: the true age of DIY – the kind that was a lot more gritty then a myspace page, born truly great music and an ethos of questioning and challenging the status quo that I worry we will not see in this our culture anytime soon).
Where am I going with this – ah, yes, Pandora.com is the kind of Internet radio that develops its playlist based on what you already like: you tell it Death Cab for Cutie and Radiohead are your favorite bands, it plays Nada Surf and Broken Social Scene. Fantastic! When I first played with Pandora a year or so ago, not only did I love the music, but the technology of it was yummy. A big music brain playing before me.
Reading about the growing number of similar sites popping up in the paper today, I was challenged with the idea: is this good – or bad? Is it good to keep listening to music similar to music you already know? Or does that pigeon-hold you into a pattern of dullness? That is to say – by listening to things – ideas, music, words, do we prevent our brains from expanding into something new and learned? Sometimes I fear our new world has created so many silos that the experience of the big picture -we are incapable of hearing, seeing, feeling.