July’s [ LI ]
My montly list of best ofs and eceteras.

Best site: http://www.marmitesqueezy.com/ Live in
Followed by the exchange:
“What do you Wiffiti?”
“ I wish my friends knew my name”
Fran of the month: (because I need a place to record this stuff)
Growing tired of replacing her kitchen screen, and fuming from the idea that a squirrel would get the better of her (it’s like Bill Murray v. the groundhog in Martha Stewart’s world – no exaggeration), Fran decided that she would trap the devious squirrel and move him to another neighborhood. I scoffed at this plan, as the undercurrents had surely not been thought through – clearly there were egos at play. But she forged on. Within 48 hours she had caught 9 squirrels. NINE. Despite my, enough already, you are getting greedy – you are the step-mother nature and this will not end well – she hmmphed and said "well, we’ll see.”
And then she caught a skunk.
That put an end to operation critter-transplant.